8 sept 2010

Patrón Cesta de Crochet

Cesta de ganchillo para guardar cosas diversas. En este caso, telas.

Al trabajar la pieza en espiral, es recomendable poner una marca al inicio de cada vuelta. 

Round 1: make an adjustable ring with 6 sc. (or: ch2, 6 sc in 2nd chain from hook)
Round 2: make 2 sc in each sc = 12 sc
Round 3: sc in next sc, increase in next sc, repeat around = 18 sc
Round 4: *sc in next 2 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=24 sc
Round 5: *sc in next 3 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=30 sc
Round 6: *sc in next 4 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=36 sc
Round 7: *sc in next 5 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=42 sc
Round 8: *sc in next 6 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=48 sc
Round 9: *sc in next 7 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=54 sc
Round 10: *sc in next 8 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=60 sc
Round 11: *sc in next 9 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=66 sc
Round 12: *sc in next 10 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=72 sc
Round 13: *sc in next 11 sc, increase 1 in next sc, repeat from*=78 sc
Round 14: sc in BACK LOOP of each sc around =78 sc
Rounds 15+ sc in each sc around until reaching desired height=78 sc
Top Fold: sc in FRONT LOOP of each stitch = 78 sc
Following rounds: sc in each stitch. Continue to desired length.
End. Hide yarn ends by weaving into fabric w/yarn needle.

2 comentarios:

  1. Que cesta más mona! Para tener una referencia podrias decir con que grueso de algodón has trabajado y que crochet has usado? Gracias!!!

  2. belllisimo podria dar la explicación
